33 Weeks Pregnant & Placenta Previa Update.

How am I feeling?

Let’s start by saying that being heavily pregnant during a heatwave is in no way shape or form, deemed as very fun. Most days you’ll find me in my underwear and a strappy top sat on my birth ball & chomping on Ice in front of the fan.. trying my absolute best not to melt away. I’ve been downing iced water like there’s going to be a shortage and annoying the hell out of my partner by chomping on Ice in the middle of the night. Needs must.

Last week we had a hospital appointment so used that as an excuse to treat ourselves to a “date lunch” just the two of us, something that never happens. We had a good laugh just like we used to and it brought back so many memories but even then I couldn’t resist the ice machine. The craving for crushed ice right now is real. We got refillable drinks & I must’ve sent Rob to get me a cold drink with crushed ice at least 5 times already when he came back with a whole glass full. I was in my absolute element until I spilt it all down myself. Classy. So very classy.

Placenta Previa Update

The hospital appointment went well, if you’ve been following me on any form of social media you’ll know that I have been a nervous wreck at the thought of a scheduled c-section so you’ll be happy to know that I have an update on my placenta previa.. *drumroll please* … Its moved, thank god. Right up out of the way and babygirl is head down and ready to go hence all the pressure. I am so relieved and can finally look forward to and keep my fingers crossed for a nice, natural birth. Preferably a water birth this time if possible but who knows, I keep imagining a home birth and the fact that I don’t know what’s going to happen is pretty scary.

My hospital bags are packed, pretty much anyway. I wrote a blog post on this last week and everyone seemed to find it absolutely hilarious that I had included a pot noodle. You never know when you’re going to need one.. I feel like a chicken pot noodle would totally go down a treat after giving birth, don’t you think?

How is baby?

Baby girl is currently weighing 4lb 11oz, this was at 32 weeks so I’m sure she’s going to be a little chubba and I’ve found myself panicking at the thought of her not fitting into some of the newborn clothes I have got here. I’ve mostly packed ‘up to one month’ though so we can’t really go wrong. We’ve chosen her name, but we’re not telling anyone what it is. Mwahaha. Last time we announced the name and the gender but this time we just wanted that little bit extra to ourselves. I share a lot of our lives on the internet so it’s been nice to keep this a little secret between us and it makes it that little bit more exciting too. Her personalised hat & muslin cloths are on their way in the post and I cannot wait to recieve them.

Next week we are ordering the bigger items, e.g pram, wardrobe, crib etc so I’m also super excited about that. My bank card isn’t, but we totally are. I think we’ve pretty much got everything now and I am just so excited to get this place sorted and kitted out for her arrival as it’s all currently stored in our bedroom and I’ll be honest, it looks a little bit like a stock room with it all stacked up in boxes.

I’m seeing the midwife next week aswell, they’ll need to recheck my bloods as I’ve been taking iron tablets and supplements for the past month in hope that it’ll up my iron levels. I won’t lie though, the heat hasn’t helped one bit and the iron tablets do make me feel a little nauseous. Fingers crossed they are high enough and that I don’t need an iron infusion because we all know what I’m like with needles and injections.

Any new symptoms?

Braxton hicks and heartburn have been the main team players this week, I’m certainly not a fan. I had Braxton hicks nearly all day on Saturday and was very close to calling the midwife but I think that was just down to the heat, dehydration and pure exhaustion. See, this is why I need all the crushed ice I can get. We did look at ice machines but they’re SO expensive, who knew that crushed ice machines cost around 2k?! Mental. As for the heartburn, well.. this bubba best have a lot of hair because I am close to downing a pint of milk every night and I’m not even keen on milk.

I was weighed last week for the first time since my booking in appointment and I have put on the grand total of 1 stone 6 pounds. I’m trying to eat healthily and have been cramming as much fruit and veg into my diet as possible but now that I’ve hit the last trimester, I literally cannot stop eating. Hopefully I don’t put on too much more, but even though I feel absoloutely huge and like I couldn’t possibly get any bigger or any more uncomfortable.. I actually think my bump is quite small this time around in comparison to my first pregnancy. With Alyssia I put on 3 stone and she was born weighing 8lbs. I’m excited to see if babygirl will be around the 8lb mark too! Sorry for the rambly post.

Are any of you currently pregnant? How are you coping with the heat? I am melting!

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