What To Gift Someone Who Is Expecting

*This is a collaborative post.

Buying for an expectant parent can be one of the most daunting experiences. There is a worry that when buying clothes what age to buy them or if they have the outfit already. Then comes the price and how much you are expected or should spend. This list will provide you with ideas of what to gift someone who is expecting. 

Pregnant Woman Holding Tummy

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There is very little wrong with bringing food to expectant parents, preferably frozen meals for when the baby arrives. When having a baby the parent’s basic needs tend to go out of the window so they can focus on their bundle of joy, therefore providing food is a great option. If cooking frozen meals isn’t something you think they would enjoy, some vouchers for takeouts would also be welcome. 

Pregnant Woman Photoshoot

Pexels- CC0 License

Something Special

For new parents, there can be a lot of pressure to make sure their baby has everything they need. Sometimes this can cause the parents a lot of financial pressure. Therefore, if you know you would like to get or contribute to a larger present for the family then providing some money or a voucher is a good idea. Parents need to focus on items such as; a cot, a cot mattress, a pram, a car seat, clothes etc. The list goes on. By opening up a dialogue with the parents, it is more likely that they will be able to get what they desire for the baby. 

Pregnant Woman Under Cloudy Sky in Silhouette Photography

Pexels- CC0 License

Massage/ Beauty Treatment

For expectant mothers, carrying a baby is stressful on the body. There are aches and pains where there haven’t been before and it can be very hard as their body changes to accommodate their growing baby. Many expectant mothers forget to take care of themselves, especially if they have one or more children already. Reminding mothers that they are important too can be a great gift. Beauty treatments and massages don’t have to be expensive or over the top Simply gifting a pedicure will usually be enough. Don’t forget they are about to give everything they have to keep their baby alive, so a few treats before the baby comes will ease them into motherhood. 


When the baby arrives, parents end up in a state of what feels like eating, sleeping, being awake and changing nappies. By providing subscriptions to streaming services, or a monthly treat can make what feels like a mundane time into something to help. There is a risk that mothers may suffer from postnatal depression due to a dip in hormones. By being able to do something nice or surprising for the parents may reduce the risk of PND. 

It is also one less thing for parents to have to worry about and can keep them entertained while the baby sleeps and maternity/ paternity leave has not finished. 

Woman Wearing White Cap-sleeved Dress Holding Ultrasound Result Photo

Pexels- CC0 License

There are many more things to buy an expectant parent that doesn’t have to be just for the baby. Don’t forget that the baby is so special, but so are the parents! If you need any more ideas, head to Foryourlittleone.

*This is a collaborative post.

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